Does your child experience

Peace for Kids was founded to help children and their families discover true inner peace for their day to day lives. We work hand in hand to cultivate the life skills necessary for resilience, confidence, vitality and personal growth.

Bethany Anan, M.A., BCBA
Bethany Anan, M.A., BCBA

Let's face it—

Parenting is one of life's greatest joys, and parenting isn’t for the faint of heart. Having two daughters of my own—one of whom is neurodivergent—I know that peace isn’t something that just happens automatically.

That’s why I started Peace for Kids, to help kids and their families bring peace into their households and their lives using ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

What is ACT?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility and acceptance of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

ACT aims to help individuals develop psychological flexibility and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Mother and daughter sharing a sweet moment
  • Mindfulness
    Learning to be present in the moment and observe thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Acceptance
    Acknowledging and making room for uncomfortable thoughts and emotions instead of trying to control or avoid them.
  • Values Clarification
    Identifying what truly matters to you in life and setting goals based on those values.
  • Committed Action
    Taking purposeful steps toward your goals, even when faced with difficult thoughts and uncomfortable feelings.

Our Services

Our years of experience working with all children and their parents inform the techniques and training we offer.

Group of hands making peace sign in a circle

Peace for Kids Clubs

Groups of 4–5 kids meet together weekly to work through an ACT curriculum that grows with them.

Group Parent Training

Group Parent Coaching

Parents of kids who participate in a Peace for Kids Club gather throughout the month to connect and learn how to help foster peace in their homes.

Telehealth Parent Coaching

Individual Parent Coaching

Personalized, 1-on-1 consultation calls to help coach you through parenting challenges and questions.

Let's give the kids peace!

Interested in joining us?

Whether you are ready to sign up for a group or are just interested in learning more about our services, our free 20-minute call can help get you started in the direction toward peace.

Schedule a free 20-minute call
Three kids smiling at camera